
Beautiful Friday morning.
Love the breeze. but it's 11.40am.
Well, tonight I'm gonna go to a hardcore party.
Triple birthday celebration.
God bless me lah.
In case I get drunk.
Yeah, hasn't been doing any shit lately.
I'm getting happier with my life from day to day.
Ben moved to a new place already, holidaying now as well.
Miss him tho.
Butterbun's quiting college and going back to India soon. Damn.
I'm gonna miss him.
Budak-budak hari ini.. Haish..
Anyways, Keavie is coming back on the 20th? Guess so.
Father's day this Sunday?
Lyndy's shifting to a new school
and she wanted me to go back sooooo badly.
Because I am the only one who is familiar with the procedures.
coz I have been to 3 different high schools.
Lmao. and, The Happening is out :)
Good for Ram. Haha.
oh fuck, I'm gonna bring Juno to see vet today. Again.
Meet Coreen in Sunway.
Waxing :)
and and and,
pack my stuff.
Service the car.
Wash the car.
&Loft tonight!!!!


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