
Day 8
Beautiful morning.
I woke up and cleaned up my room.
Samshine texted using his dad's mobile
&asked me to reply to his mobile.
Unfortunately, I had a small chat with his old man.
I replied to the wrong number.
can you imagine saying I miss you to your bf's dad?
I lit my first cigarette and started to type.
Oh btw, I'm in Cyberia now.
well, this week is gonna be a hectic week.
Got an invitation from Jo to Euphoria next Wednesday night.
Confirm going lah Jo. Lol.
Thursday night. Loft.
Friday night. Zouk.
Saturday afternoon, Urbanscapes.
Saturday night. BarClub Hardeep's day.
Tonight, probably going somewhere with Nisha&gang.
Oh gosh.
and next week, if I got the job,
I'm gonna start working :)

Alright now, despite the problems at home,
I started to miss home :)
&I'm addicted to Mozart these few days.
Its amazing.
listening to Mozart in the beautiful morning

I got got got to check on some stuff now.


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