
Wheeeeee. Just finished FTV work :D
Now, I have only Journalism work left.
Whoops. &MCI as well.
Hmphh.. I really don't wanna mention about this kid.
But he's too cute.
Yes, it's Juno. He's sleeping beside me again.
on my bed laa of course. Lol.
Too bad, he fell down from my bed twice last night.
The first time was funny, he went crazy.
Running around my bed like mad dog.
&then he accidentally ter-fly from my bed
spontaneously. Haha.
Should've recorded that down.
The second time was when he was sleeping.
blame himself laa..
He cannot sleep in one position for more than 1minute.
so, he kept on moving here and there (inside my blanket)
Manatau, until he slept at the edge of my blanket already,
then he fell down. Again.
Damn. His bones is fucking strong I guess.
Alright, back to my Article writing.


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