
I may not know what is gonna happen in future. and I may not know what are other people doing while I'm writing this blog. or maybe when I sleep? as long as I believe the existence of love, everything is enough. We only care about our loved ones. Nothing else could replace them. That was just a piece of crap. Haha.

So yeah, I'm gonna be quite busy these days. Finals is near. In 2weeks time. Wooohooo.. The thing is we are all running out of time to finish work. Too much work lah. crazy school. haha. And yeah, about Jumanji, I feel like giving up on him. He's not a good learner. He's been shitting and pissing everywhere he likes without sniffing. Sad. I might send him back :) Hmphh, oh. my dream last night was sweeeeeeeeet :) take care.


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