
I fear you might have intention,
I fear people might leave each other, one day.
I fear you don't put all on me.
I fear you aren't saying all the truth.
I fear everything you do.

Just reached last night. It was good. the same old bed. but a little changes on the decor. The tv that used to be right infront of my face is gone. bahhh.. whatever. and yeah. I've gone thru some old pictures from mom's drawer. and I stole some. Hehe. I realised I was really really ugly :D I am serious. look at me when I was 13. You would chase me out from female's bathroom. seriously, I don't have anything that every typical girl has on me, my hair's like bomblast victim's hair, my skin's like I did not take shower for years. and yeah. my face is just ugly. HAHA. opsie. except for the body. I was in shape though ;) unbelievablyunbelievable. Uh-huh. so yeah. I'll be posting those shits in my next post bah. need to scan them dulu. wheeeeee.. aite aite. I got to chao.


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