
Have you ever think of what do you like exactly?
Like your favourite song? Your favourite movie?
your favourite everything?
I mean how can a person could have this specific preference?
maybe to me it's wrong (indecisive people).
this is one of the reason why I don't have any background music here.
I don't put much stuff here.
Because I don't know what I like the most.
I try everything. everything.
and I could not figure out what do I like specifically.
aite,aite. forget it& yeahhh..
Day of. Satisfaction?
Probably I wasn't doing shit in the afternoon. took breakfast, lunch then started to decorate my empty room :(
Uh-huh. I went to the pet shop with mom to get some stuff for Juno and guess what.. my mom's gonna get me another poodle. BIG :D Probably I have bigger responsibility on pets now. hopefully I won't change my mind, again. lol.
My friends all know what a person I am. The girl who give up things easily. The girl who likes to try new stuff, basically everything but usually won't last long. Hmph.. I'll try :)
Finally went shopping and get some clothes for next semester. Hehe. Oh, princessD is coming back tomorrow. eheks. I'm so gay. because gonna get some pressie. lmao. and opsie I still need to go back to the mall to collect my clothes tomorrow which is gonna cost me around 300rm. Broke :S
next semester is gonna be fun. Renn's gonna dress up like how she dressed up. wheeeee. That was Jo's plan tho. Haha. But I'm trying something new :) wish me luck.

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