

I've been researching but can I relate psychedelic art to spiritual art? Hmph. I am really keen to do more about these topics but the thing is, can these topics be discussed in the Malaysian art industry? I could hardly find a psychedelic art gallery. full stop. That's it. So yeah. It's almost a week since I blogged. Been soooo busy with classes. and researches. and crappy housemates' gathering almost everynight. Anyhuu, I missed 2 classes last week. and another 2 this week thinking that my multimedia class is on Friday (which is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays). I copied the wrong time table. Damn it. Eric, you fooled me again. Rawr. My relationship works really fine and Iam very glad that I could handle it this good. Hehe. And. oh yeah, Ram wrote a post about me in his blog and I found it funny. It's about my transformation. He's comparing Renn 2006 and Renn 2009. I see a lot of differences. Well, he said it's changes for good :) I'm gay. but somehow, lots of things have bothered me lately. which is my future briefly. friends, family, love, money, career, interest &etcetra. Am I gonna handle them good? I wondered.


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